Sunday, February 14, 2010
What's next?
second container. However, before we begin canvassing for the next one we want to ensure all our execution was done correctly and have a better understanding of the evolving needs of the people in Haiti.
Once we are ready to start up again, we will post new directions for supplies needed and where to drop these off.
We are deeply appreciative of all the generosity and support. We have showed that Canada, and more specifically Oakville and the GTA, continues to care.
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Container is on the Road
Altogether we were able to send;
375 tents
150 tarp
12 boxes of crutches and canes as well as 4 wheelchairs and 14 walkers
17 boxes of first aid supplies
124 boxes of blankets, sheets and towels
42 boxes of sleeping bags
43 boxes of personal supplies
13 boxes of buckets
8 boxes of reusable bags
Additionally, we still have about 1/3 of a container of blankets, back packs and food items that we were not able to fit onto this container but will be a good start for our next one! Thanks to Diana we were also visited by the Oakville Beaver and the Toronto Sun for a “photo op” of the send off. Earlier in the week, Judy was also interviewed on two Hamilton radio stations, Talk 820 and CHML-AM. Attached are a few of the pictures that Wayne was able to take.
This project has been a miracle of so many people and organizations coming together to generously offer their time, talents and resources to make a difference in the lives of people they will probably never see or meet.
Special thanks go out to:
Judy Warrington – our fearless leader who rallied the troops in Canada and is now on the ground in the Dominican Republic ensuring the container arrives safely.
The Centennial and Trafalgar Rotary Clubs of Oakville – who provided the impetus, much hands-on help and a majority of the financial support for this project.
The Royalton International Ltd. – for providing all of the warehouse space, garbage removal, on-going storage etc., (Victor and Adelia – we couldn’t have done it without you!)
United Van Lines/Mayflower Canada – for providing 685 boxes, 250 lbs of packing paper, 72 rolls of tape and 2 tape dispensers – critical supplies to make the packing possible
Speedpro Imaging – for providing the 2 signs that went on the sides of the container and the NONU adhesive graphics - on such short notice
Eye Design Signz – for producing and designing our initial “Containers of Hope for Haiti” banner and graphic design.
and last, but definitely not least,
Royal Moving & Storage – for providing the professional packers to load the container and get more items packed than we could have on our own!
Here it is, the container we have prepped and planned for and packed over the last couple of weeks.And Away We Go!
Spreadsheet is now complete! 460 boxes ready to be shipped + a whole pile of large tents and tarps!
The container will be loaded this morning and sent on its merry way.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
1 Fantastic Group!

Now stay tuned for container #2. Remember, we are ContainerS of Hope for Haiti so there will definitely be more to come, once this container is seen safely through to the end.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
2 Sleeping Pads
What an amazing and intense two weeks these have been! As Judy wrote today: "CNN and UNICEF have concerns about oncoming rains .... shelters are of primary importance at the moment ! Little do they know what we have ready to ship! "
Another committee member sent out that at last count we were over 300 tents. And I know the scouts were sending some tents that hold 10-12 people. Whole families will be able to be sheltered and protected from the elements.
Wednesday (tonight) is crucial! We will need everyone available at Royalton to help out with packing and tidying up and sorting out what we have and what's ready to be sent in this container.
We are receiving daily updates telling us that collection boxes are overflowing again and are ready to be picked up. It truly is amazing how much stuff has been collected and the generosity of the people near (and sometimes, not so near) is truly outstanding.
Tomorrow is the very last day for donating and collecting anything. Two days left until the container is sealed and shipped off. Two days.... wow!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Judy on the Radio
our fearless leader!
1) Today (Tuesday) on CHML (AM900) at 5:20, live for six minutes with Host
Scott Thompson.
2) Tomorrow (Wed) on Talk 820 at 12:25 (I think, or else some time between
12 & 12:30) on "Hamilton at Noon" with Host Robin Foley.
I heard from some in the group that Judy did a great job. Word is getting out and media coverage is awesome! This container is such a success.
3 Comfy Blankets
Big Day of Packing

All joking aside, sounds like pretty much all the packing is done.

Monday, February 8, 2010
4 Sturdy Tarps
The next biggest hurdle, once you get past the hunger, (can you really ever get past the hunger?), is going to be the rain. And the rain will come. It's not a matter of if, really, but more when.
Tarps are easy to hang and can keep a bit of the rain off. Tarps are a huge item on our list! And they aren't expensive either. We got a great stack yesterday from the dollar store.
New Faces. Packed Boxes
I stopped at Mountain Equipment Coop, on the way, to pick up the sleeping bags, sleeping pads and water bottles they had for us, and waiting for us at Royalton were also the Scouts Leaders from Fergus who had another truckFUL of tents. They returned a while later with yet another load. And a tractor trailer full of tents comes later today. Wow! We also arrived to see the mountain of sheets donated by the Marriott in Toronto.
Packing resumes tonight, Monday, at Royalton, at 5:30. This week is the final push. The last day for drop offs to the locations listed on the left is Wednesday as the packing must be finished on Thursday. Friday, the workers from Atlas Van Lines come to move all of our boxes in to the container to be packed nice and snug for their trip to the Dominican and then to Haiti.
If you haven't done so yet, get all your items in so they can be added. The stacks of boxes are amazing. Remember to stick to the items on the list!
Also, received an email from Mina Wahidi, Executive Director of the Compassion Society of Halton. They are added to our list of drop off locations. They are collecting Thursday ONLY. Make sure to keep checking the list to the left of places to drop off items as it grows day by day.
Thank you everyone!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
5 Cans of Black Beans

Saturday, February 6, 2010
6 Cans of Non-Perishable Food
There was a lot of talk today about what can be shipped in this container, leaving Friday. This container is an emergency supplies container.
We have so many people who want to send shoes and baby clothes and school supplies, and many other wonderful things. We are called Containers of Hope for Haiti... we are hoping to pack and send many more containers, once this one is packed, shipped, sealed, delivered and distributed safely and successfully. One at a time... it certainly is easy to get carried away! That being said, don't get rid of all those other wonderful donations and things you want to send. Just hold on to them and we will keep you posted as to what's next!
In the meantime, 6 days left until this container, filled with so many fantastic things from all the generous people here in the GTA, leaves. If you haven't given yet and still want to, there's time!
As well, feel free to comment on anything I have written. It's nice to know people are reading. And so many people have so many great stories to share. I would love to hear them!
Meeting today, Packing tomorrow.

The camera crew on Thursday was from Cogeco and the piece they are doing on Containers of Hope for Haiti was on Friday and will be on throughout the weekend too. So, check us out!

We are heading to Royalton again tomorrow at 2pm to resume the organising and packing and inventorying. More tents and tarps to come apparently and calls coming in to say that drop-boxes are full to overflowing. How exciting!
I am not sure how all this would have been possible, or progressed and developed so smoothly without the generosity of Victor Brewda and his staff at Royalton, (especially Adelia, who is always there to meet us with a smile), as well as Pat Moreno and the people at United Van Lines in Mississauga. They provided us with boxes and tape which has made the packing so much easier.
6 Days till departure!
Friday, February 5, 2010
7 Rolls of Toilet Paper
Or perhaps more like 700! Boxes and boxes, and still MORE boxes, were filled with rolls of toilet paper.
And many boxes of blankets and sleeping bags. And oh, so many tents! We have an amazing collection going. Scouts and guides have been helping too and the equipment and supplies they are sending are fantastic.
And that's right! 7 rolls of toilet paper means only 7 days left! I am still astounded at just how much has been done in just one week. It's hard to believe it was just 2 weeks ago that we were all gathered around a table breathing life into this dream.
First Big Day of Packing
And big it was! With over 20 volunteers organising and sorting and packing and moving and stacking and labelling last night, (along with a camera crew conducting some interviews), we managed to get over 120 boxes ready to go. They have been packed, checked, sealed, recorded and stuck with yellow tape by Anna and Lara so we don't record them twice.
The pile of collection items that had been dropped off when we got there was a little overwhelming.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
8 Stirring Spoons
A group of girls helped pack the boxes yesterday and commented about the bags of rice people were sending. They were so excited to see all the food being sent over to the people. One asked me how they would cook the rice if they don't have anything any more. We were so happy to see some pots in our donations and some cooking spoons too. There were also a couple of cases of water. I told her they would manage. They are a resilient people with many creative ideas when it comes to cooking. I told her they can do amazing things with a machete when it comes to a tin can!
The collection boxes are filling
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
9 Tubes of Toothpaste
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
10 Rolled-up Towels
Today at lunch, a couple of people at work helped me sort and pack all that we have collected so far. We organised, packed, taped and labelled 14 boxes. We worked hard.
When I went downstairs after school, I was surprised to see that I could no longer see all the boxes we had neatly arranged because there was so much new stuff in front of it all!
Judy sent a note out to remind us how important it is to stay true to the list. We need to make sure we don't deviate so as not to cause problems at the port and customs. This will only delay getting the container cleared and getting the supplies through to Haiti. We are collecting emergency supplies, not every day supplies. That can go in the next container!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Let the packing begin
I was away from school both Thursday and Friday so was thrilled when I arrived this morning to see that we already have a pile of donations starting. The staff and students and families of St. Bernadette never cease to amaze me with how quickly they open their hearts and embrace any chance to give and help. I am so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community. I have added them to our list of drop-off sites as they are open in evenings too.
From there, I went to Royalton to be met by Adelia who made sure we had everything we could possibly need, from tape measures to coffee to washroom facilities, and she even threw down skids to me from atop a ladder. Amazing! When she saw us putting up the signs to organise things, she whispered to me that she wanted to bring some stuff in to add to the collection.
And the stuff keeps coming...
11 Bars of Soap
New drop off locations have been added and the word is definitely spreading. Our Facebook fan page has been set up, so be sure to join up and comment often.
People everywhere want to help. Items don't need to be big. Even a bar of soap can help.
Tonight we are going to the warehouse to get organised and start sorting and packing many of the donations that have already started pouring in. There is a lot of work ahead but many hands make light work. Yay for the generous people in the GTA!