Sometimes we take the simplest things for granted, like clean teeth.
Toothbrushes and toothpaste are on our list. There was talk at one school of every student bringing in a toothbrush. Now that's a lot of clean teeth!
Thank you to everyone who supported us in our endeavour to send relief to earthquake victims in Haiti. Our first container of top priority supplies has been shipped! Stay tuned for information regarding it's passage, arrival and delivery, as well as details of container #2.
2. Find people who sew to make cloth bags about 18" square.
3. Find people who knit or sew to make blankets.5. If you drive, sometimes we need volunteers to do pick-up of items to be delivered to the warehouse.
6. Contact seniors’ places for canes, crutches, walkers
7. Fundraise for the next container to meet the needs of children, orphanages, caregivers.....
8. Collect CanadianTire money in the community, count it, and spend it on tarps, tents, sleeping bags, camping pots, buckets
9. Convert your Shopper's Optimum points (or other customer affinity points) into the sterile medical supplies, diapers, etc.
10. Recruit companies with affinity points to double the supply of materials by matching the points/materials donated by customers
EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS!For more information:
·Judy Warrington, Committee Chair
@ 905-338-2304 or
If you prefer, cheque donations:
Made payable to "RCOT Foundation"
(Rotary Club of Oakville Trafalgar Foundation)
Please specify HAITI CONTAINERS on your cheque.
Mailed to: Containers of Hope for Haiti
313 Beechfield Road, Oakville, L6J 5H9